That's right folks, we’ve just had a little bird land on our porch and inform us that the whole Chippa Wilson x Sketchy Tank capsule is good to go.
Now that’s very exciting for you because it means that you can jump online right this second and secure your sizes before they sell out.
The not so exciting part is that if last year's collection is anything to go by this release absolutely will sell out! It gets worse, because when it does sell out you’ll be left crying into the sleeve of your generic brand suit while your mate has to upgrade the storage on his phone due to word getting out among the local gals that he’s got new rubber arriving any day now.
You know what to do.

The devil is in the details.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let me tell you a little bit more about our highly esteemed collaborator, Sketchy Tank.
Lurking in the darkest corners of your mind, Sketchy Tank is in some way already a part of your psyche. He’s the raucous laughter that threatens to explode when it’s clearly the least appropriate way to respond to something. The sharp witted retort that burns in the back of your throat as your boss asks you to work back on a Friday afternoon, and the dark sense of humour that's always with you, but reserved for the few that get it.
Believe it or not Sketchy isn’t his first name, nor Tank his last, but anonymity is crucial to this endeavour because that's where true artistic freedom lies.
Never creating for himself, Sketchy creates for you and I. A true lurking class hero.